This Module Creates A I2S Sound audio device for the Raspberry PI it uses DMA for background sound transfer. You can select between the I2S audio and the standard output device using the sound configuration module in !boot. Included in the download are 5 programs to drive the HiFiBerry Dac & Digi Cards I have left the setup of the various cards as seperate BASIC programs so people can write there own drivers for different cards and still use the I2S module to enable the audio transfer Please note:- DAC or Digi Board based on the same ICs should work. The main difference between the lower quality and higher quality boards is the way the clock for audio is derived in the lower quality boards they use the PIs I2S clock as a master which drives the HiFiberry board in the higher quality boards the PI I2S clock becomes a slave which is driven from the HiFiberry Boards.